ウエストビレッジのBleeker Streetにある有名カップケーキ屋さんマグノリア。これでもか!って言う程甘いです、が恐ろしい事にアメリカ生活長いと慣れて来るんですね〜。汗)上にのってるメレンゲはやっぱりどけて食べてしまいますが。Sex and the Cityでもキャリーとミランダが食べてましたね♪。ところで、あの箱なんとか工夫してもらえないでしょうかねぇ?手にべとべと着いて大変な事になるんですが…。
I went to Magnolia Bakery on Bleeker street for the famous cupcake. I remember when I moved to NY and saw Carrie and Miranda were eating it in Sex and the City made me to go to Magnolia but couldn't really eat it because it was tooooo sweet. There is nothing sweet that much in Japan but I don't mind it now... How dangerous is that!?
Magnolia Bakery: 401 Bleecker St (W 11th st), New York, NY 10014