お部屋は一体いくつあるの?って位広くて、しかもテラスがドーーーンッですのよ。素敵なウッドテラスで眺めも最高でしたわ。お料理はメキシカン料理がドーン。ケーキもドドーン。なんじゃこりゃー。しかもウエイターさん2人働いてるし、ゲストルーム凄いし、私は家の中で迷子になるし。てな感じでNY成功者の生活をかいま見た夜でした。私もがんばろー。。。とりあえず宝くじ買おうと決めました。anyway, S君お誕生日おめでと〜ん。
I’ve been to lots of mansions in NY for a photoshoot for my work but never been to such an amazing pent house that I went for a birthday party a few days ago. The pent house includes 3 floors and a huge terrace with a great view. The design of the house was very modern and cool. The location is in SOHO! I couldn't tell how many room there are but I was lost easily in the beautiful house. They had 2 waiters working for the party and great food and cakes. It was one of those most successful business man’s house and made me think to go get some lottery! :) Happy birthday S chan.