I just discovered a new bar Apothéke in Chinatown. You wouldn't imagine that there is this kind of cool bar with nice decor deep in Chinatown. The entrance is totally hidden but once you find a red door, you will see "drink doctors" making cocktails with blue fires like a chemical experiment.
It was raining outside and a little chilly so I asked if they can make anything warm...and I got "Warm Spring Mojito" and it was excellent! It was $15, which is not cheap. So how about going to Joe's Shanghai for dinner to eat the famous crab dumplings then walk to Apotheke for drinks. They are 1 block apart.
土砂降りの雨の中、噂のバーApothékeに行ってきました!看板も何もないので見つけるのに一苦労、そして中に入ったら薬剤師さんみたいな恰好をしたバーテンダー達がカクテル作ってるじゃあーりませんか。学生時代の化学実験を思い起こさせるかのように、青い火がボンボンお酒の上で踊ってるし…。何か暖かいものを、と注文したら出てきたのは。おいちー!そして強い…。日本から友達が来たらJoe's Shanghai でカニ小龍包食べて、食後にここで一杯なんていいコースかもねー、など一緒に行った友達と感心云々。
: 9 Doyers St (Bet Bowery & Pell st) , New York, NY, 10013
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