ビヨンセのコンサート in NY 初日行って来ました!6時半から当社主催のツアーパーティがマディソンスクエアーガーデンの一角で行われ、私たち一行はまずそこでワインとビールで乾杯。今回のビヨンセのプロジェクトチームとお疲れさまモードで和みました。去年の8月から始動して、やっと一段落といった感じです♪。
お酒も入って踊る準備万端で席について、お約束のオープニング、クレイジーインラブになんとJay Z登場!もー会場は最高潮!絡みながら照れ笑いしてるビヨンセがとてもかわいかったです。If I were a boyのリミックスバージョンが最高でした。あと私のお気に入りのSmash Into Youは美しすぎて鳥肌もん〜!私的には前のB'Dayツアーの10倍はいいショーだったと思います。ステージ構成、B'Dayやデスチャ時代のメドレー、衣装もメチャかわいかった。日本公演も行きたいな〜。

I just had an amazing experience last night seeing Beyonce's I Am... Tour at Madison Square Garden in NY!! I was listening to Beyonce album and watching DVDs all weekend to get warmed up for the concert. She started with her major hit Crazy in Love and Jay-Z came out to rap!!! I’ve never seen Madison Sq Garden gets that heated up before. When she was smiling while the performance with Jay Z was sooooo cute. I almost cried for my favorite song Smash Into You...! Too beautiful. I loved If I were a boy remix and of course Single Ladies was for us to dance together!
Anyway, the costume was awesome, the graphic on the stage was super cool and her performance was just breath taking. If you don't have a chance to see the concert, you should definitely get the concert DVD that I assume to come out right after the world tour.