もちろんご飯も激ウマでパクパク食べまくって飲みまくり、かな〜り長時間お店に居座ってたけど話題の中心は大島弓子先生はじめとする漫画について熱く語り合った夜でした。大島弓子ワールドと美味しいお酒、社長有り難うございました。 <(_ _)>ペコリ。最後のウニいくら丼が忘れられませんー。
The pictures are 9 different kinds of sake I had at one of my favorite restaurants Bohemian in East Village. I had each different sake to match with each dish so I must have eaten least 9 different kinds of food as well! The main conversation that night was about Yumiko Oshima the famous manga writer in the 70’s~ and some other manga stuff such as Naoki Urasawa’s “Pluto”, Satosumi Takaguchi’s “Hana no Asuka Gumi” etc... If some other people who understand Japanese heard us, they would have thought that we were just super geek... but nothing is more fun than dirking great sake, eating amazing food and talking about manga in NY. :)