ラーメンとカレーはテレビとか雑誌で見ると無償に食べたくてしょうがなくなるので困りものです!私の愛してやまない激うまラーメン屋、広尾の「丸富」行きたくてホームシックになりました。(涙)帰国すると必ず立ち寄ります。日本にいる頃『丸富』の真向かいに住んでいたのでかなり常連で今でも覚えてくれてるのがうれしい。と、いう事で今夜はマグロとろろ丼です。(関係ないけど) NYタイムズの記事(英語)はコチラから。
It was a beautiful sunny Sunday in New York expect it was around 24 degree...! I was sitting down at Grand Central food court and had a good time reading Sunday NY times paper. I've been reading articles online these days so it was nice to sit down to read the actual paper then the travel page caught my eye because it was about Ramen in Tokyo! I think noodles are a big deal for all Asian people but ramen makes it even a bigger deal to Japanese people because it's so tasty! (Here is the link to the article). Lots of Japanese famous ramen shops are opening in NY such as Ippudo and Tsukumo ramen so I really hope my favorite ramen shop Marutomi in Hiroo, Tokyo will come to New York someday!
I had a good afternoon spending time at Kinokuniya Japanese bookstore with coffee but I couldn't buy any books there because it's too expensive so I went to Book-Off and got 3 used novels for $8. :) Sitting down at Bryant park with my books and hot tea was very nice even it was super cold outside but the sky got dark to make me go home which was good because I would have been frozen if I were there too long!