春にでもリリース予定のバンド2am Clubの撮影してきました。クラブイベントなどでのパフォーマンスに定評があるバンドなので、ミートパッキングのガンザボートホテルにある新しいクラブProvocateurを貸切って撮影。フォトグラファーは最近うちが良く一緒に頼むJeremy Cowart。スタイリストはエッジーなメンズスタイリングで今大人気のMark Holmes、ヘアメイクはGreen Dayなども手がけるかわいいNellie Kim。みんな仲良しでおしゃべりの耐えない楽しい撮影になりました!
Just had a great photoshoot with RCA's new band 2am Club at a club Provocateur in Gansevoort Hotel in Meat Packing! The band guys are so much fun and very talented too but the crew was super fun as well! Sometimes you don't love a crew but the photographer Jeremy Cowart brought a great energy to it. He used to be an art director so he's got the advantage of having 2 eyes of AD & photographer! I always tried to work with this super talented stylist Mark Holmes and he did an amazing job on their wardrobe this time! Nellie Kim is a hot little girl who also was amazing on their hair & make up. We all had too much fun working and chatting...! I can't show the band pics yet but here are some bits of the day. Stay tuned on 2am Club!
夜は、いつもお世話になってる某TV局社長の星野さんと皆で東京の電通から出張中のロック好きファンキーおじさまを囲んでENでご飯飲み会。その後恒例のボヘミアンで飲んだくれました。マドンナのツアーダンサーを勤め、マドンナのPVの振り付けまでしちゃう超イケメンダンサー上野隆博君ことTAKAHIRO君も同席。彼はなんとあのマイケルジャクソンも9歳の時にデビューした、NBCの「Show Time」で番組史上最高となる9週連続優勝もしてしまったすごーーーーいダンサーなんです。あのアポロシアターです。そんであんだけイケメンでどうなの?しかもメッチャ優しくてほわ〜ん、とした雰囲気…なのにプリンは人一倍の早さで食べる不思議クン。これは世の中がほっとかないでしょう。ちゃっかり今度一緒にサルサレッスン受けにいくんだ〜。18歳から踊りを始めたって信じられない位のレベルです。ただカッコいいだけじゃなくて独特の動きがヒップホップとかジャンルを超えてまさにアート。TAKAHIRO君のウェブはコチラ。踊りの動画はコチラから。カッコ良すぎてクラクラするので注意。
I also had a fun night out at a fantastic Japanese restaurant EN. The chairman of TV Tokyo Mr. Hoshino always brings new people together. He invites people over to his condo and entertain people with his wife Namiko san's amazing cooking! I've met Takahiro Ueda who won NBC's Showtime 9 weeks in a row and he was also one of the tour dancers for Madonna and now working on own art dance performance show. He is not just a great dancer, he's got an very unique style and makes it super artistic. I heard that Madonna even called his dance "funny" which was the best compliment for Takahiro. OK, he is a great dancer but also he is super cute. I thought that's enough but he is even supper chill and sweet. (a little strange) lol Whoever meets him become a big fan of his dance and personality so I'd love to work on some project with him someday. Our first step is to take a salsa class! :D
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