先日 featuring Robert Mapplethorpeで開幕した毎年恒例のクリエイティブコンベンション、Le Book Connections。今年は会場はSOHOに戻り2日間に渡ってPhotoエージェンシーのプレゼン、更に今年から始まったLe Book Productionsにはホテルやスタジオ、プロダクション関係が一斉に集まって合計4日間のお祭り(?)でした。普段一緒にお仕事をしてるエージェントやフォトグラファー達と久しぶりに顔を合わせられるいい機会なので私は仕事帰りに2日間参加。
Le Book Connections festival week started last week for 4 days in Soho, New York. Robert Mapplethorpe was featured for this year's Le Book! The location went back to Soho Puck Building in Soho which I much prefer than the Chelsea one because of the location and there are no stairs inside to look around.
It's always great to meet reps in parson since we mostly talk on the phone. We often work together but we never seen in parson even the project is over...:( such a modern day working style! I visited the event for the photographer's and the productions' for 2 days. Love the productions' a lot especially finding out about new hotel deals and the overseas locations were amazing!! Hope they'll do the production ones next year again.