どんなに忙しい中でも大好きなお酒に関しては趣味なので頑張って時間をさくアタシ。先日、最新の設備を持ったAstor Wines & Spirits教育センターで高級感満載の八海山の酒造りについての講義を受けて来ました!
今回の講師は酒サムライのTimothy Sullivan(ティムさん)。ほとんどの人が酒サムライって何??と思うでしょう?酒サムライとは日本酒の普及に貢献した人に与えられる名誉ある称号で、ティムさんは日本酒への愛が募りすぎてUrbanSake.comを開設、酒について英語で分かりやすく書かれたウェブサイトはすぐに大人気になり、お酒の良さを広め、その功績が日本酒造組合中央会に認められたのでした♪
I went to Astor Wines & Spirits in East Village for Hakkaisan Sake Class. The teacher was Sake SamuraiTimothy Sullivan, the founder of UrbanSake.com.
Timothy’s great efforts in promoting Sake outside of Japan have earned him the very special title "Sake Samurai" from The Japan Sake Brewers Association. I've been to many of his classes and I appreciate how easily understandable he makes everything even for a sake beginner like me!
The class consisted of full-course Japanese meal with 6 different kinds of Hakkaisan sake and everything was wonderful that night! Timothy teaches sake classes regularly. Check out UrbanSake.com to learn more and sign up. I hope to see you soon! :) Please click here after you read this post!
★New category “Sake” is added! ☆ Sake - 酒!カテゴリー追加しました★