台湾、タイ、中国、マレーシア、韓国、チベット、インド、フィリピン、パキスタンそして日本食などありとあらゆるアジアンフードに目移りして大変でしたけど大体全部美味しいかった。台湾レストランIce Fire Landのチキンスープ。ゴマペースとで味付けしてウマーい!一番人気だったのはNan Xiang Dumpling Houseの小龍包。目の前で皮を作って伸ばして包んで蒸したてを頂きました!ウマすぎーーっっ!!この小龍包食べるだけの為にフラッシングに戻る気満々です♥
I've been to Asian Food Feastival in Queens to help serving sake for Chizuko the sake sommelier. It was the first time for me to go to Flushing after living in NY for so many years! We took Long Island Rail Road and took on 20min from Penn Station. My first impression of Flushing was .... “stinks!!”. Flushing is basically a big Chinatown and the smell was worse than Chinatown in Manhattan... ewwww...o well..
The festival was at Sheraton Hotel and there were more than 20 Asian restaurants' vendors. There were all kinds of Asian food such as Thai, Tibetan, Malaysian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino and Indian etc. My favorite food was a soup dumpling from Nan Xiang Dumpling House and chicken soup from Ice Fire Land. I'd definitely come back to Flushing to only eat the soup dumpling for sure! Please click here after you read this post!